Wednesday 25 May 2016

WHAT’S NEXT?- Sandra Efeya

Sunny day as I wait upon the loving mercy of nature to send me some cool breeze. Frustrated at the tingling sensations I felt as it got hotter in the room. What’s next for me? I look around the hotel premises and figured they had no pool. Oh darn! I cursed at that, I’m not even lodged here so how do I get myself to feel as good as new.

Pacing up and down literally loitering about the lobby, fate decides to shine on me. Man as fine as wine about 5’9 slowly passes by me and I think to myself how could one person smell so nice, I was captivated by the smell of his cologne. I immediately snap myself back to reality and in a flash; the thought of the unbearable heat comes back.

But wait, how would a hotel this big be crap at giving cool or should I say refined air to its customers. Darn this I say, I would basically sue if I lodged here. It’s about that time, my colleagues are calling on me as the meeting we gathered for in this crap like hotel is about to start and I’m thinking weren’t they better hotels with standard and reliable power supply? I’m not paying by the way, the company is. I walk on to the conference room and still, powers out but at least it’s cooler than the lobby was.

As I get settled awaiting others so we could begin fully, I remember I’d have to make a presentation at some point; I’ve been travelling, I’m jet lagged, I’m not ready. Beating myself up about how unprepared I am someone lends the attention of everyone in the room. With my seat backing the entrance, I slowly turn to give a warm welcome to the attention lender, lo! The heavens open and a light shines down on him; it was like he had a halo. Mixed feelings I’m excited to see him but then at the same time I do want an earthquake, can the hardwood floor just become quicksand? Swallow me up please I say to myself. The tingling sensations are gone now shivers making my skin strike a resemblance as that of a chicken.

Quick flash, light fills the room; hey! The power is back and I looked up snapping back to reality for the second time in an hour. Now I realize I’ve got the whole room focused on me. What! Have I been starring at him? Now he says hello and I slowly slide into my chair like a child in kindergarten would when he gets shy. Brief introduction, he says his name is Ryan and I’m lost in his voce again this time with my arms on my chin gazing lustfully into his eyes fantasizing about his lips on mine.
Then I hear my name, what! I’m called? How so soon? Oh! Darn it, I almost said that out. Pheew! I’m not ready is say to myself. I hear the applause; come on up he says. All that comes to mind is should I, should I not, can the power go out again? Oh that’s so stupid, not so long had I wished for nature’s mercy for air to be directed to me and did I get an artificial one. Taking a deep sigh, I walked up front and give me presentation.

Dang! He said, oh! Finally we have something in common. He commends my work and there I was smiling uncontrollably at his comment. I walk out of the conference room with smiles all over my face as pink as blush. How that turned out great, how did I do that? Well I’ve always had potential, feeling myself already.

A cold tap over my shoulder eh! Chai! It’s him again, the one fine as wine with all that sugar and spice, I guess he should just be twice as nice in all ramification. My lips opened without my consent saying those three words “you are cute”. What!!! I could just slap myself to refresh my memory; I didn’t just do that did I? I do need some soothing words to cover up my mouth overlap; shall I say I was actually complementing your shoes or shirt? Nah that sounds stupid. Ok I did say that no two ways about it. Expecting a breathtaking response or even a complement but all I got was a smirk. 

Now I’m somewhere between I want him and shut up. I close my eyes for a minute and when I open them the first thing I sight was a symbol of signed, sealed, and delivered.
Wait, a wedding ring? Is he married? He is married. I did get my hopes up so much wishing something would spark up; how do I get out of this awkward conversation? I’ll fade out slowly but what’s next?

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