Wednesday 25 May 2016

40 Nigerians deported from UK, Australia

Kelvin  Osa. Okunbor   

 For the second time in one month, United Kingdom and Australia yesterday jointly deported 40 Nigerians for various immigration offences.

The deportees comprising male and female arrived at the hajj camp area of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport at 7:25am with chartered aircraft.

Information gathered by our correspondent indicated that chartered aircraft with the registration number ZTA -4741 repatriated into the country 36 Nigerians comprising 29 males and seven females.

Also, Air Seychelles with the registration number SND-1 brought four males into the country for similar immigration offences.
Apart from Nigerians that were deported by the two countries, some citizens of Africa especially from Ghana, Liberia and Egypt were equally deported alongside the Nigerians.

The returnees were received by various agencies such as Immigration that checked their identities to ascertain their nationalities, Police, National Agency for Protection and Trafficking in Persons, NAPTIP, and other relevan t stakeholders.

A source close to the terminal who didn’t want his name in print told our correspondents that some of the deportees were violent when officers of the Nigerian Immigration Service, NIS, attached to the international wing of the airport attempted to collect their fingerprints for data purpose.
The source told our correspondent that others who didn’t kick against the fingerprinting were swiftly attended to by the officers and were allowed to leave the airport after the completion of their documentations.

When our correspondent visited the hajj and cargo terminal where the deportees used as exit, they wore sombre look and refused to speak with our correspondent.

Some of them waited for any available means to get out of the airport without attracting much attention to themselves while others talked in trickles.

The deportees it was gathered were returned from their host countries for overstaying their visas and other immigration offences.

The Public Relations Officer, NIS, Mr. Ekpedeme King confirmed the deportation with our correspondent on phone, but could not give much details.

He said that the service was still awaiting more information from its Lagos office as at the time of filing in this report.

Sometime in April, 48 Nigerians were jointly deported by UK and Switzerland Governments for several residing in their countries illegally.

I was sexually abused, says Rita Edochie

Popular Nollywood actress, Mrs Rita Edochie said she was a victim of sexual abuse many years ago and called on parents to regularly communicate with their children.

Edochie revealed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Abuja.

Edochie, who was a guest at a seminar to end violence against children, told NAN that she was sexually violated at a young age by a family friend.

“I was a victim of sexual abuse; that was when I was in primary six; I was going to the hospital and somebody called me.

“The boy used some diabolic means and sexually violated me; when I could not see my period, I refuse to tell my mother, because she was very strict.

“ I love sharing my experience because at the end of the day I succeeded; If I had not succeed, I would not have been able to be saying it,’’ Edochie said.

She explained that the pregnancy was about seven months before her mother noticed it.

Edochie added that her mother was shocked at the pregnancy because she thought her being strict 
would not allow such a thing to happen.

“My mother asked how it happened and I told her everything; my brother picked a knife and wanted to kill me, but my mother stopped him.

“It happened that the mother of the boy that violated me was my mother’s friend; the boy’s mother was surprise but the boy denied.

“My mother took me to hospital to abort the pregnancy with a planned of taking me to my grandmother’s place at `Ogede’ to stay for one week before returning home.

“I told her I may lose my life in the process; and because she loved me, she then aborted the planned abortion; I feel it was God that spoke through me.

According to the actress, ``my mother took care of the baby while I went to school; if not for my mother I would not be where I am today.”

The veteran actress called on parents to communicate regularly with their children and make them their best friends.

`Parents should always listen to their children’s complaints on happenings both in and outside the home.”

Kenyan army kills 21 al-Shabaab terrorists in Somalia

Kenya's army has killed 21 fighters from the Islamist terrorist group al-Shabaab in neighbouring Somalia, a military spokesman said on Wednesday.

Army spokesman Col. David Obonyo said in a statement that the dead include junior al-Shabaab commander Salad Bart, who is believed to have been in charge of the group.

According to Obonyo, Kenyan soldiers on Tuesday clashed with al-Shabaab members in the Somali town of Hawina, where the terrorists were mounting an ambush along a major road.

``No Kenyan soldiers were killed during the gunfire exchange,’’ he added.

However the army recovered 17 machine guns, five rocket-propelled grenades and ammunition.

Kenyan troops form part of a 20,000-strong African Union contingent helping Somalia battle al-Shabaab, which is affiliated with the international al-Qaeda terrorist network.

WHAT’S NEXT?- Sandra Efeya

Sunny day as I wait upon the loving mercy of nature to send me some cool breeze. Frustrated at the tingling sensations I felt as it got hotter in the room. What’s next for me? I look around the hotel premises and figured they had no pool. Oh darn! I cursed at that, I’m not even lodged here so how do I get myself to feel as good as new.

Pacing up and down literally loitering about the lobby, fate decides to shine on me. Man as fine as wine about 5’9 slowly passes by me and I think to myself how could one person smell so nice, I was captivated by the smell of his cologne. I immediately snap myself back to reality and in a flash; the thought of the unbearable heat comes back.

But wait, how would a hotel this big be crap at giving cool or should I say refined air to its customers. Darn this I say, I would basically sue if I lodged here. It’s about that time, my colleagues are calling on me as the meeting we gathered for in this crap like hotel is about to start and I’m thinking weren’t they better hotels with standard and reliable power supply? I’m not paying by the way, the company is. I walk on to the conference room and still, powers out but at least it’s cooler than the lobby was.

As I get settled awaiting others so we could begin fully, I remember I’d have to make a presentation at some point; I’ve been travelling, I’m jet lagged, I’m not ready. Beating myself up about how unprepared I am someone lends the attention of everyone in the room. With my seat backing the entrance, I slowly turn to give a warm welcome to the attention lender, lo! The heavens open and a light shines down on him; it was like he had a halo. Mixed feelings I’m excited to see him but then at the same time I do want an earthquake, can the hardwood floor just become quicksand? Swallow me up please I say to myself. The tingling sensations are gone now shivers making my skin strike a resemblance as that of a chicken.

Quick flash, light fills the room; hey! The power is back and I looked up snapping back to reality for the second time in an hour. Now I realize I’ve got the whole room focused on me. What! Have I been starring at him? Now he says hello and I slowly slide into my chair like a child in kindergarten would when he gets shy. Brief introduction, he says his name is Ryan and I’m lost in his voce again this time with my arms on my chin gazing lustfully into his eyes fantasizing about his lips on mine.
Then I hear my name, what! I’m called? How so soon? Oh! Darn it, I almost said that out. Pheew! I’m not ready is say to myself. I hear the applause; come on up he says. All that comes to mind is should I, should I not, can the power go out again? Oh that’s so stupid, not so long had I wished for nature’s mercy for air to be directed to me and did I get an artificial one. Taking a deep sigh, I walked up front and give me presentation.

Dang! He said, oh! Finally we have something in common. He commends my work and there I was smiling uncontrollably at his comment. I walk out of the conference room with smiles all over my face as pink as blush. How that turned out great, how did I do that? Well I’ve always had potential, feeling myself already.

A cold tap over my shoulder eh! Chai! It’s him again, the one fine as wine with all that sugar and spice, I guess he should just be twice as nice in all ramification. My lips opened without my consent saying those three words “you are cute”. What!!! I could just slap myself to refresh my memory; I didn’t just do that did I? I do need some soothing words to cover up my mouth overlap; shall I say I was actually complementing your shoes or shirt? Nah that sounds stupid. Ok I did say that no two ways about it. Expecting a breathtaking response or even a complement but all I got was a smirk. 

Now I’m somewhere between I want him and shut up. I close my eyes for a minute and when I open them the first thing I sight was a symbol of signed, sealed, and delivered.
Wait, a wedding ring? Is he married? He is married. I did get my hopes up so much wishing something would spark up; how do I get out of this awkward conversation? I’ll fade out slowly but what’s next?

Thursday 19 May 2016

Indoor air pollution responsible for 600,000 deaths in Africa annually - UNEP

Indoor air pollution in Africa, is responsible for 600,000 premature deaths annually, a report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said on Thursday.

The report said that the continent’s reliance on the use of biomass for cooking, lighting and heating means that 90 per cent of the region’s population was exposed to health threat.

It noted that land degradation, air pollution, and the provision of sanitation and safe drinking water were among the main problems on the continent.

The report said that many of the region’s fisheries, both inland and marine, face over-exploitation from illegal, under-reported and unregulated fishing.

It, however, said that the continent had an opportunity to use its large young population to drive its growth.

``Low-carbon, climate-resilient choices can develop the continent’s infrastructure, accelerate industrialization, increase energy and food production, and promote sustainable natural resource governance,’’ it said.

On water and sanitation, the report said the proportion of the population served with 'clean water is increasing and grew from 64 per cent in 2005 to 68 per cent in 2012.’’

It, however, said that absolute numbers of people without safe drinking water remain high.

“More than half of the population in sub-Saharan Africa still does not have any access to improved sanitation, compared to 90 per cent coverage in North Africa, with a vast difference between urban and rural areas,’’ the report said.

It listed African megacities such as Cairo, Kinshasa and Lagos, and emerging mega cities such as Dar es Salaam, Johannesburg and Luanda, as facing challenges from poor management of sanitation services.

The report said those challenges arose from inadequate and deteriorating infrastructure resulting from under-investment.

According to it, land-based activities causing pollution of freshwater bodies ultimately impact coastal and marine resources.

On land and forest, it noted that Africa had the second largest continent in the world, but most prized asset for food production, nutritional health and economic development.

“Worryingly, about 500 000 square meters of land in Africa is being degraded due to soil erosion, pollution and deforestation.

“This land degradation can damage agricultural productivity, nutrition and human health.

“A growing population and a rise in the demand for firewood will mean that forest cover in Africa is likely to continue shrinking, declining to less than 600 million hectares by 2050.

“Over cultivation, inefficient irrigation practices, overgrazing, the over-exploitation of resources, uncontrolled mining activities and climate change will further degrade land in Africa,’’ the report said.

It explained that this would lead to reduced agricultural productivity, reduced food security, which could increase migration and spread disease, destroy infrastructure such as roads and bridges, and high rates of poverty. 

Monday 9 May 2016

Indonesia prepares to execute more drug convicts

Indonesia Justice Minister on Monday said the country was preparing to execute convicts on death row for drug trafficking.

The minister, Yasonna Laoly, did not say how many prisoners would be executed or when.

”Basically, we are making preparations," he said.

In 2015 Indonesia executed 14 convicts, all but two of them foreigners, in a move that drew international condemnation.

Local media reported that three drug convicts all Indonesian had been transferred from a prison on Batam Island to the prison island Nusakambangan, the site of 2015’s executions.

Report says among the foreigners on death row are British grandmother Lindsay Sandiford and Frenchman Serge Atlaoui, but it was not clear if they are among those scheduled to be put to death.

Amnesty International in 2015 said suspects facing the death penalty in Indonesia were often subjected to torture and sometimes denied access to lawyers and interpreters.

According to the Amnesty report, some of those sentenced to death said police had beaten them in detention to make them confess, and judges accepted the confession as evidence.

The justice ministry said that no fewer than 121 people were currently on death row in Indonesia, including 35 foreigners mostly convicted of drug-related crimes.

Landslides kill dozens, destroy buildings across Rwanda

Rwandan government has on Monday in Kigali confirmed that landslides caused by heavy rains killed 49 people and destroyed hundreds of buildings in Rwanda over the weekend.

It said in a statement that downpours brought down 500 homes, damaged infrastructure and injured another 26 people from Saturday night into late on Sunday.

Seraphine Mukantabana Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs Minister, said so far 49 bodies had been counted and search and rescue officials were combing the affected areas for more bodies.

She said that most of the people affected were children and the elderly.
Mukantabana said that more than 26 people were rushed to hospital, while 442 houses were destroyed.

”The landslides also blocked roads, including one in Gisenyi leading to neighbouring Congo.
"The fatalities included 34 in Gakenke district, eight in Muhanga, four in Rubavu and three in Ngororero,’’ she said.

Countries across East Africa have reported much heavier rainy seasons this year, many of them blaming the El Nino weather phenomenon.

Also residential buildings collapsed in Kenya's capital on April 29 after days of flooding, killing 49 people.